Raccoons Can be Dangerous for Kids if it is in your Property and how to deal with it

Pest Control
3 min readApr 9, 2023

In urban, suburban, and rural settings across Ottawa, raccoons are frequently seen. While they are usually harmless, they can be dangerous to humans if they live on your property. In this article, we’ll talk about how to handle raccoons if they fall on your property as well as any possible risks they pose to kids.

Why Raccoons are Dangerous for Kids and Humans ?

Raccoons can spread a variety of diseases to people, including rabies, distemper, and roundworm. Although the chance of developing these diseases is low, children are more vulnerable due to their weakened immune systems. Raccoons can also cause severe injury with their sharp teeth and claws if they feel threatened.

Raccoons may be attracted to food sources like pet food, trash cans, and compost piles if they are residing on your property. As a result, there may be problems with kids who accidentally come into contact with the raccoon while attempting to get to these food sources.

How to Deal with Raccoons on Your Property?

If you fear raccoons are living on your property, there are several methods you may take to deal with them safely and effectively. Also you can contact pest control Ottawa or follow this suggestions:

  1. Identify the Problem: The first step in dealing with raccoons on your property is to identify the issue. Check for raccoon activity signs such as tracks, droppings, and property damage.
  2. Remove Food Sources: Raccoons are likely attracted to food sources including trash cans, compost piles, and pet food if they are living on your property. Get rid of these food sources and make sure your garbage cans are secure to deter raccoons from entering your property.
  3. Seal Entrance Points: Raccoons can readily enter attics, crawl spaces, and other parts of your home since they are skilled climbers. Seal any potential access sites, such as cracks in your foundation, walls, or roof, to keep raccoons out of your house.
  4. Use Repellents: You can deter raccoons from entering your property by using a variety of commercial and natural repellents. Ammonia, chilli pepper, and predator urine are examples of these.
  5. Hire a Professional: It is better to hire a professional raccoon removal services if you can’t handle the raccoons on your own. These experts are qualified and experienced to remove raccoons from your property in a secure and efficient manner.

In addition to taking these precautions, it’s important to teach your kids about raccoon threats and how to be safe if they come across one. Follow this guidance:

  • Maintain a Safe Distance: If your youngster comes into contact with a raccoon, it’s crucial to maintain a safe distance. As wild animals that can be unpredictable, raccoons should ideally not be approached.
  • Prevent Contact: It’s important to teach kids to stay away from raccoons, including by not feeding them or attempting to pet them.
  • Wash Hands: It’s crucial for your youngster to properly wash their hands with soap and water after coming in contact with a raccoon or raccoon droppings.
  • Get Medical Attention: It’s critical to seek immediate medical assistance if a raccoon bites or scratches your child. Rabies is one of the illnesses that raccoons can spread to people.

Raccoons can pose a threat to children, but there are precautions you can take to deal with them in a secure and efficient manner. Detecting the issue, eliminating food sources, blocking entryways, applying repellents, and calling



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